St. Pius X Catholic Church, Manoa, Honolulu, Hi

Mission Statement:"Pascendi Dominici Gregis!"(To feed the Lord's flock!)

St. Pius X Catholic Church, Manoa

2821 Lowrey Avenue, Honolulu, Hi 96822 | Map Directions

Sacramental Emergency: (808) 312-3168

OFFICE: Phone (808) 988-3308 | Email: | Fax:(808) 773-7794

 St. Pius X Logo

VISION: In the spirit of our Patron St. Pius-X, we, the Catholic community of St. Pius-X, Manoa aspire to live the happy and good witnessing of the Gospel through our Faith, Service, & Praise.


Fr. Nicholas Brown

Rev. Nicholas Brown


St. Pius X Parish is a diverse Catholic community of faith that embraces everyone, without exception. Challenged by the Gospel, nourished by the Eucharist, and inspired by the teachings of St. Pius X, we are called to be witnesses of Christ’s love for the Salvation of all people.

Parish Office

Monday - Friday

8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


All State, Federal Holidays,
& Special Church Events




Monday - Thursday

Rosary - 7 a.m.
Mass - 7:30 a.m.

Friday - No Mass


7:30 a.m. | 4:00 p.m.

8:30 a.m. | 11:30 am

Sunday 11:30 a.m.
Mass live streamed


(By appointment only)

(Before Mass 3:00-3:30pm

First Wednesday Devotion
7:30 a.m.

First Friday
7:30 a.m

Adoration and Benediction
First Friday 8:00 a.m

First Saturday Devotion
7:30 a.m

Saturday For the Virgin Mary
7:30 a.m

blessed sacrament


Jesus, really present
in the Blessed Sacrament,
You nourish us each day
with your Body;
spiritually renew in us
Your Presence now,
for we ardently long for You:
“Come, Lord Jesus.”

Effective Tuesday,
September 03, 2024

Share What You Can image

Food Pantry

Tuesday & Friday
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.


Celebrating Wedding Anniversary

Blessing of couples celebrating wedding anniversary in the church. Please contact parish office before the weekend celebration. Thank you

Hospital Visits
& Home Communion

Please Contact the Rectory Office.



Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If, you are interested in joining the Catholic church, or helping those through that process as a companion.

(808) 988-3308

RE Cross image

Religious Education

September 15th
Catechetical Sunday!

2024-25 Religious Education and for all children’s class in preparation of the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism for children… those wanting their children and/or grandchildren to receive the sacraments of Christian initiation can pick up a form at the back of the church, see Theresa Jacobs, or register at the parish office during office hours. You may also download the registration form on our parish website:

Parish Downloadable PDF Forms




For infants, contact the office for a registration form, and to find out the next preparation classes for Parents and Godparents. For older children and adults, enroll them in one of the following programs.



1st Holy Communion, Confirmation:

Religious Education (K-8), Youth Ministry (9-12), Young Adult Ministry, and RCIC/RCIA are starting in September. Contact the office for more information

Holy Matrimony:


Marriage is a very significant event and requires preparation to celebrate it properly. If you are planning to marry, the Diocesan policy is that you see a Priest and begin the preparation at least six months prior to the wedding date. Please call the rectory for an appointment.

Cannot Marry in the Catholic Church Due to Prior Marriage?

Pope Francis streamlined the process to petition for a declaration of nullity to make the process shorter. He also eliminated the mandatory fee. If a person is able to prove in this process that their prior marital bond was invalid for some reason, then he or she can marry in the Catholic Church or validate a current civil marriage. For assistance in petitioning, you can contact Fr. PJ Camiring, Vanessa Mark, BJ Schreiner or Sister Lucinda at [808-988-3308] who can assist you as an advocate.



Contact Fr. Nick Brown




Funerals Arrangements

Though not a Sacrament, when death occurs, contact the parish office immediately








Saint Hilarion

October 21


Despite his best efforts to live in prayer and solitude, today’s saint found it difficult to achieve his deepest desire. People were naturally drawn to Hilarion as a source of spiritual wisdom and peace. He had reached such fame by the time of his death that his body had to be secretly removed so that a shrine would not be built in his honor. Instead, he was buried in his home village.

Saint Hilarion the Great, as he is sometimes called, was born in Palestine. After his conversion to Christianity, he spent some time with Saint Anthony of Egypt, another holy man drawn to solitude. Hilarion lived a life of hardship and simplicity in the desert, where he also experienced spiritual dryness that included temptations to despair. At the same time, miracles were attributed to him.

As his fame grew, a small group of disciples wanted to follow Hilarion. He began a series of journeys to find a place where he could live away from the world. He finally settled on Cyprus, where he died in 371 at about age 80.

Hilarion is celebrated as the founder of monasticism in Palestine. Much of his fame flows from the biography of him written by Saint Jerome.

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image Mass Intentions Mass Intentions

(†) Eternal Repose;
(SI) Special Intentions; (B) Birthdays;
(H) Health

Mass Intentions

The best way to remember our dearly departed is by praying for them. And the best prayer we can offer is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Masses can be offered for anniversaries, health and healing, birthday blessings, in thanksgiving, etc. So we encourage you to visit the parish office and register.

St Pius X Church

(A donation of $10.00 per Mass is requested.)

image- SPX Event Calendar

Our Stewardship Prayer

Generous and Loving Creator, you have called us to Malama i ka Makana (Cherish the Gift). As disciples of your Son, we ask that your Spirit open our minds and hearts to more deeply appreciate your countless blessings. Increase your transforming spirit within us, so as to nurture our call to stewardship as a way of life marked always by faith-filled prayer, service to others and generous giving. With the kokua of St. Marianne and St. Damien, teach us to be good stewards so we may return a hundred-fold the makana entrusted to us. Amen

We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
