
St. Pius X Catholic Church, Manoa, Honolulu, Hi

Mission Statement:"Pascendi Dominici Gregis!"(To feed the Lord's flock!)

St. Pius X Catholic Church, Manoa

2821 Lowrey Avenue, Honolulu, Hi 96822 | Map Directions

Sacramental Emergency: (808) 312-3168

OFFICE: Phone (808) 988-3308 | Email: piusx@rcchawaii.org | Fax:(808) 773-7794

 St. Pius X Logo

VISION: In the spirit of our Patron St. Pius-X, we, the Catholic community of St. Pius-X, Manoa aspire to live the happy and good witnessing of the Gospel through our Faith, Service, & Praise.


Devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Every Wednesday Novena: 6:50AM

Weekday Rosary : 7AM


Along The Way

The Holy Father designates this new liturgical year as the “Year of Hope.” Christians are not people of despair, but renewal. Hope is always hindered by the hopelessness of the past. Evil and bad memories can burden us in the journey towards renewal. We cannot wear the armor of Jesus if we will not surrender our old burdens. If we are enslaved by sin and evil, we cannot bear arms and face our greatest adversary which is darkness of sin. The reading for this first Sunday of Advent invites us to make the pilgrimage towards the birth of the Messiah, and in order not to stumble on the road, we are advised to leave behind the darkness of sin and to trust solely or exclusively on the armor of light. The dark road is upon us and beyond it is our joy. We must all exclaim Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus. Invoking Jesus as our armor and shield, who can be against us, who will hinder us in our journey towards salvation.


Prayer for the

Written by Bishop Larry Silva

Dear God of all the living, you sent your Son Jesus to heal us from illness and sin. We turn to his healing power in this time of anxiety over the pandemic of this potentially deadly virus.

St. Damien and St. Marianne Cope dedicated their lives to the service of those who had an infectious disease. St. Marianne Cope said, “I am not afraid of any disease,” because she was confident in your power to save.
At the same time, she took prudent precautions of hygiene to assure that she and her Sisters would not be infected.

Let us learn from this example to put our trust in you to save us from the ravages of disease and to take prudent measures to prevent its spread. Guide us to know when to isolate ourselves from the possibility of infection, but never let anyone be left without the care and concern of others in the community.

As our Diocese of Honolulu has been dedicated to the Divine Mercy, we pray with confidence,

I trust in you!

Saint Damien,
Pray for us!

Saint Marianne,
Pray for us!



by Pope Francis

Lord God of peace, hear our Prayer!
We have tried so many times and over so many years to resolve our confilcts by our own powers and by the force of our arms.
How many moments of hostility and darkness have we experienced?
How much blood has been shed?
How many lives have been shattered?
How many hopes have been buried?
But our efforts have been in vain.

Now, Lord come to our aid!
Grant us peace, teach us peace;
guide our steps in the way of peace.
Open our eyes and our hearts,
and give us the courage to say:"Never again war!""With war everything is lost".
Instill in our hearts the courage to take concrete steps to achieve peace.

Lord, God of Abraham, God of the Prophets, God of Love, you created us and you call us to live as brothers and sisters.
Give us the strength daily to be instruments of peace; enable us to see everyone who crosses our path as our brother or sister.
Make us sensitive to the plea of our citizens who entreat us to turn our weapons of war into implements of peace, our trepidation into confident trust, and our quarreling into forgiveness. Keep alive within us the flame of hope, so that with patience and preserverance we may opt for dialogue and reconciliation. In this way may peace triumph at last, and may the words "division" "hatred" and "war" be banished from the heart of every man and woman.

Lord, defuse the violence of our tongues and our hands. Renew our hearts and minds, so that the word which always brings us together will be "brother," and our way of life will always be that of: Shalom, Peace, Salaam!


A Prayer to our Lady of Guadalupe

Virgin of Guadalupe, Patroness of unborn children, we implore your intercession for every child at risk of abortion.
Help expectant parents to welcome from God the priceless gift of their child’s life.

Console parents who have lost that gift through abortion, and lead them to forgiveness and healing through the Divine Mercy of your Son.

Teach us to cherish and to care for family and friends until God calls them home. Help us never to see others as burdens.

Guide our public officials to defend each and every human life through just laws. Inspire us all to bring our faith into public life, to speak for those who have no voice.

We ask this in the name of your Son,Jesus Christ, who is Love and Mercy itself.


Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. To order this card (English, #2115 / Spanish, #2116), call toll-free 866-582-0943. www.usccb.org/prolife







Memorare to St. Joseph

Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my great protector, Saint Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection, or implored your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding therefore in your goodness, I come before you. Do not turn down my petitions, foster father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen.


A Prayer to St. Joseph,
Defender of Life

Dearest St. Joseph, at the word of an angel, you lovingly took Mary into your home. As God’s humble servant, you guided the Holy Family on the road to Bethlehem, welcomed Jesus as your own son in the shelter of a manger, and fled far from your homeland for the safety of both Mother and Child. We praise God that as their faithful protector, you never hesitated to sacrifice for those entrusted to you. May your example inspire us also to welcome, cherish, and safeguard God’s most precious gift of life. Help us to faithfully commit ourselves to the service and defense of human life —especially where it is vulnerable or threatened. Obtain for us the grace to do the will of God in all things. Amen.

Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. To order this card (English, #2115 / Spanish, #2116), call toll-free 866-582-0943. www.usccb.org/prolife


"God never tires of forgiving us;
we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy."

-Pope Francis


Sign of the Cross

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Hail Mary

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.


Glory Be (Doxology)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be world without end.


Hail, Holy Queen
(The Salve Regina)

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, 
poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Diocesan Prayer
for Vocations

Heavenly Father, your divine Son taught us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His vineyard. We earnestly beg you to bless our Diocese and our world with many priests, deacons and religious who will love you fervently and gladly and courageously spend their lives in service to your Son's Church, especially the poor and the needy.

Bless our families and our children, and choose from our homes those whom you desire for this holy work. Teach them to respond generously and keep them ever faithful in following your Son Jesus Christ, that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with the inspiration of Saint Damien and Saint Marianne the Good News of redemption may be brought to all. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen


Dedication to Saint Pius

Saint Pius, whom Holy Mother Church has raised to the honor of sainthood so that we may imitate your example and seek your intercession, I thank God for the great graces He had bestowed upon you. Good Shepherd of the flock of Christ, I consecrate my soul and body to you. I choose you as my patron and protector. Be the guardian of my obligation as a child of God and of the Catholic Church as I again renounce Satan, his works and promps. Assist me by your powerful intercession in the fulfillment of thes sacred promises. You also made them in the days of your earthly pilgramage, and your fidelity in keeping them to the end has obtained for you an everlasting reward in heaven.

Saint Pius, I am called to the same happiness that you enjoy. The same help is offered to me that enabled you to acquire enternal glory. You overcame temptations like those which I experience. Help me to cooperate with God's graces. I desire to imitate expecially your childlike humility and simplicity of life, your great love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and for His Blessed Mother, your love for your neighbor in the person of the poor and suffering, and finally, your devotion to Holy Mother Church. Pray for me, my holy patron, so that, being inspired by your example and assisted by your prayers,I may live a holy life, die a happy death, and reach heaven where I may praise and thank God with you forever. Amen.

